Monday, July 16, 2012

Rotating Camera about Gladius Avatar

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I got a pretty sweet walking Gladius-based avatar put together last night. Tonight, I'd like to work with the camera so that it rotates nicely around the avatar.

I start by doing my new favorite thing in Gladius: adding another frame of reference to make subsequent movement and positioning easier. In this case, I add a frame of reference that is tied to the body of the avatar and then position the camera relative to this:
      function game(engine, resources) {
        var math = engine.math;
        var space = new engine.SimulationSpace();
        var cubicvr = engine.findExtension("gladius-cubicvr");

        // add avatar bits and pieces...

        space.add(new engine.Entity("camera-frame",
            new engine.core.Transform()

        space.add(new engine.Entity("camera",
            new engine.core.Transform([0, 10, 23], [-Math.PI/8, 0, 0]),
            new cubicvr.Camera()

        // Game tasks here...
Next, I add the gladius-input extension to my required modules so that I can use it to manipulate the camera:
    [ "gladius-core", "gladius-cubicvr", "gladius-input" ],
    function( Gladius, cubicvrExtension, inputExtension ) {
      var engine = new Gladius();

      // Set up mesh and materials

      function game(engine, resources) {
        // Game code here...
When I register the extension as listening to the web page's document element, however, I start seeing already completed errors. Oddly, this is resolved by defining the logic controllers in the game() core function. It is a bit frustrating not knowing if these errors are due to a missing input definition or because I have broken something else. I probably need to investigate this closer another day.

To define the controls, I first need to define the various input states in which my camera can be. For now, this will include "PanLeft" and "PanRight":
    [ "gladius-core", "gladius-cubicvr", "gladius-input" ],
    function( Gladius, cubicvrExtension, inputExtension ) {
      var engine = new Gladius();

      // Set up mesh and materials...

      // Input states
      var cameraControls = new engine["gladius-input"].Map({
        "States": {
          "PanLeft":      [ "J" ],
          "PanRight":     [ "K" ]
      resources['camera_controls'] = cameraControls;

      function game(engine, resources) {
        // Game code here...
All that remains now is to add the input controller (based on the states defined above) and an actor to effect changes in the game based on these states:
      function game(engine, resources) {
        var math = engine.math;
        var space = new engine.SimulationSpace();
        var cubicvr = engine.findExtension("gladius-cubicvr");
        var input = engine.findExtension( "gladius-input" );

        // Add other bits and pieces to the game...

        // Camera input logic
        var cameraLogic = {
          "Update": function(event) {
            if (!this.owner.hasComponent("Controller")) return;

            var controller = this.owner.findComponent("Controller")
              , transform = this.owner.findComponent("Transform");

            var rotation;
            if (controller.states["PanLeft"]) {
              rotation = [0, * 0.001, 0];
            if (controller.states["PanRight"])
              rotation = [0, * 0.001, 0];

            if (rotation)
              transform.setRotation(math.vector3.add(rotation, transform.rotation));

        space.add(new engine.Entity("camera-frame",
            new engine.core.Transform(),
            new input.Controller( resources.camera_controls ),
            new engine.logic.Actor( cameraLogic )

        // The rest of the game here ...
The result is that I watch the avatar from the side:

And rotate around to view from the front as well:

As I found yesterday when I got the avatar limbs swinging in unison, intermediate frames of reference come in extremely handy. There is a downside of additional code for these extra frames of reference. It is manageable, but I may need some higher level code for kids — at least when introducing these concepts.

Day #449

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